In Order To Truly Get Well You MUST FIX Things At The Cellular Level!


Your CELLS Make Up Your Tissues. Your TISSUES Make Up Your ORGANS. If Your CELLS Are Sick...The Rest Of Your Body Follows Suit!

Our Functional RESET Protocol Has Been Helping Patients For Nearly 2 Decades!

👉 You DON'T Need Another WEBINAR, MASTERCLASS, or Hour Long Sales Pitch Full Of Testimonials! You Need A SOLUTION!!

You SIMPLY Need Somebody To Come Along Side You & Walk You Through The Healing Blueprint Step-by-Step!

Scroll Below To See How We're Transforming Lives All Across The U.S.!



There is one test that we've been using with patients for well over a decade. It's a cellular inflammation test.

We use this test to give us a "baseline" of how inflamed and damaged your cells are. It gives us a starting point and we retest every 30 days to SHOW the patient we're healing / making progress towards optimal health. This is a urine test that is done from home. We'll ship you the test kit in the mail.


This is an IN-DEPTH chance to dive deep into your health history & your concerns. We'll ask you some questions and dig. This is NOT a high pressure pushy sales call. It's simply a chance to ask each other questions and determine if our unique clinical protocol would make sense for you!


This is your 86-page GUIDEBOOK. In it you'll find your healthy food lists, dangerous TOXINS to avoid, HIDDEN SUGARS to avoid, tracking journal to monitor progress and much more. This is an invaluable resource which can be a game changer in and of itself if you simply apply the strategies.

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Total Value = $388

Today's Discounted Special - Just $99

Cellular Inflammation

Testing Kit (HOME KIT)

There is one test that we've been using with patients for well over a decade. It's a cellular inflammation test.

We use this test to give us a "baseline" of how inflamed and damaged your cells are. It gives us a starting point and we retest every 30 days to SHOW the patient we're healing / making progress towards optimal health.

This is a urine test that is done from home. We'll ship you the test kit in the mail.

1 On 1 Discovery Call

This is an IN-DEPTH chance to dive deep into your health history & your concerns. We'll ask you some questions and dig!

This is NOT a high pressure pushy sales call. It's simply a chance to ask each other questions and determine if our functional reset clinical protocol would make sense for you!

If you're ready this, you've most likely been through the "medical ringer". You see, the mainstream medical is severely broken. It's one chemical cover up after another...meanwhile they IGNORE the ROOT CAUSE!

If you're looking for a FRESH perspective with a doctor who will DIG, FIND, and work towards SOLVING the problem then book you discovery call today!

86-Page Functional Reset


This is your 86-page GUIDEBOOK. In it you'll find your healthy food lists, dangerous TOXINS to avoid, HIDDEN SUGARS to avoid, tracking journal to monitor progress and much more.

We walk you through our unique Functional Reset clinical protocol of Sensitivities, Deficiencies, & Toxicities and how you'll never truly get well until you FIX THE CELL!!

This is an invaluable resource which can be a game changer in and of itself if you simply apply the strategies.

Ideal for those weight weight loss resistance, brain fog, fatigue, digestive issues, autoimmune, diabetes, pre-diabetes, GI dysfunction, ADHD, hormone resistance etc.


STOP WASTING Days Feeling Like Garbage!

  • Weight Loss Resistance

  • ​Gut Issues (Constipation, Diarrhea, Gas, Bloating, Food Confusion etc.)

  • ​Chronic Fatigue (i.e. you wake up tired)

  • ​Skin Issues (Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne etc.)

  • ​Brain Fog / Mentally Cloudy

  • ​Anxiety / Depression


  • Type 2 Diabetes

  • Pre Diabetes

  • Neuropathy

  • Thyroid Dysfunction

  • Hormone Resistance

  • Food Confusion

Are YOU Our Next Success Story?


Down 47 Pounds!

Improved Energy!

Improved Self Confidence!

Sleeping Better!

Less Anxiety / Depression!


Down 32 Pounds!

Improved Digestion!

Increased Energy Throughout The Day!

Loving Life Again!


Down 53 Pounds!

Improved Energy & Less Afternoon Fatigue!

Improved Confidence!


Down 34 Pounds!

Less Fatigue!

Improved Sleep!


Down 53 Pounds!

Has Food Clarity!

Less Pain & Inflammation!

More Comfortable Around Friends!


Down 32 Pounds!

Brain Fog Gone!

Less Tired!

Better GI Function!

Frequently Asked Questions!

What Makes You Different From Other Programs Out There?

What makes us different is that we take an OBJECTIVE look at your entire body. We take a "holistic" look at the big picture. We use objective 3rd party testing to get the results we're looking for. We're not into generic 1 size fits all "cookie cutter" approaches. We want to give you a long-term sustainable solution.

What Happens On The Discovery Call?

Very simple. Dr. Mannie will ask you some questions, do a thorough health history, and determine if you're a case he can accept. If he thinks he can help he'll give you that option. If he doesn't think he can help, he'll work to find somebody who can.

Are Your Programs Safe?

ABSOLUTELY! Our protocols are extremely safe and there is nothing like it. There are very few doctors that will do objective functional testing and work towards finding the ROOT CAUSE of the health challenge. Most simply give a med / chemical cover up.

How Much Does Your Program Cost?

It's hard to know without having a quick discovery call to determine your goals. Keep in mind we are ALL unique & different and every patient has a unique care plan that is different from anybody else. We do this via our objective lab testing etc. But this is why we do complimentary discovery calls to determine if our program would make sense for you etc.

Does Insurance Pay For Functional Medicine?

Unfortunately no insurance company pays for what we do. However, if you're MOTIVATED we'll work with you. Our protocols are very affordable and keep in mind that we've never turned anybody away because of finances. 

Where Is Your Clinic Located?

We are 100% virtual. The beautiful thing about functional medicine and our functional approach is that it can be done from ANYWHERE! After our initial discovery call (to determine if our protocol makes sense for you) we'll provide you with test kits so TOGETHER we can customize a safe, natural, & highly effective protocol based on YOUR individual needs. 

Do I Have To Come Into Your Office To Get Started?

Nope! Our practice is 100% virtual. All of our discovery calls are done over the phone.

Do You Provide Support / Accountability?

YES! Even though our functional protocols are done virtually, we provide 24/7 email support. If you have a question / obstacle to work through we'll provide you the support & guidance you need.

Do You Prescribe Medications?

No. We don't give medications. What we do is safe, natural, & highly effective. We do this WITHOUT harmful medications or risky procedures.

Terms & Conditions



Medical Disclaimer

This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. No guarantee is provided or implied. Results may vary based on each patient’s physical health and adherence to the care plan designed by the doctor.These statements have not been evaluated by the United States Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

All statements and opinions provided on this website are for educational and informational purposes only and we do not diagnose or give medical advice via this website.

Individuals interested in any of our therapies are urged to review all pertinent information and do their own research before choosing to participate in this therapy. Please note, there is no guarantee of specific results with our care and results may vary. Please contact us to discuss your specific condition. Per FTC GUIDELINES CONCERNING USE OF ENDORSEMENTS AND TESTIMONIALS IN ADVERTISING, PLEASE BE AWARE OF THE FOLLOWING: Federal regulation requires us to inform our customers that all product reviews, testimonials or endorsements of products sold & services received through our office reflects the personal experience of those individuals. They are expressing their personal opinions on our products and services and that those opinions and experiences may not be representative of what every consumer of our products may personally experience with the endorsed product.

The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. No guarantee is provided or implied. Results may vary based on each patient’s physical health and adherence to the care plan designed by the doctor.These statements have not been evaluated by the United States Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

These reviews & testimonials do not imply that similar results will happen with your use of our products. We have no competent or reliable scientific evidence to suggest that the testimonial provider’s experience is due to the use of our products. These testimonials are not intended to recommend as a diagnosis for specific illnesses or conditions, nor as a product to eliminate diseases or other medical conditions or complications. We make no medical claims as to the benefits of any of our products to improve medical conditions.

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